You may find John doing any of the following activities: scuba diving, racing on a bicycle or motorcycle, backpacking and trekking, doing triathlons with his twin girls, backcountry skiing, or what some would call extreme traveling.
John's adventures come with a bit of risk. Here's John's list of his broken bones over the last few decades.
1975: Broke left leg in 3 places (skiing)
1984: Broke collarbone (motorcycle)
1986: Broke thumb (skiing)
1987: Broke finger (work)
1988: Broke collarbone, single break (dancing)
1989: Broke two ribs (skiing)
2000: Broke collarbone, single break (motorcycle)
2001: Broke two right foot bones (motorcycle)
2002: Broke three ribs (motorcycle)
2003: Broke collarbone in 4 places (motorcycle)
2006: Broke left arm in 10 places, right leg, four ribs (motorcycle). Also tore peroneal nerve in right leg, right ACL.
2008: Broke two ribs (bicycle)
2009: Broke right arm (bicycle)
2012: Broke one left foot bone (dancing)
Note: Does not include road rash, soft tissue injuries, rotator cuff tears, abrasions, puncture wounds, concussions, blunt impact trauma or broken hearts.